Inheriting A Septic Tank From Previous Owners

If you buy a new home that uses a septic tank as its main sewage treatment option, then you may have inherited a septic tank along with your property. It pays to learn about your new septic tank's condition and take steps to make sure that it has been well maintained; septic tank problems can build up over time and cause serious damage to your new property. Here are some steps you can take to check on the septic tank. Read More 

3 Signs Your New Home’s Septic Tank Needs To Be Pumped

Did you recently buy a new home? Does it have a septic tank on the property? A septic tank can be an efficient and effective way to dispose of household waste, especially if the home is in an area that makes it difficult to connect to the municipal sewer system. However, if you've never had a septic tank before, you may be unsure about when the tank should be pumped. It's an important thing to consider. Read More